Sunday, January 10, 2010

Weekend round up

Blue Rodeo (here is a way off shot of them), with the opening act Cuff the Duke, were fantastic on Friday night. The show was amazing with many sweet solos, lots of crowd participation encouraged by Keelor and Cuddy and a fine encore that ended with Lost Together, the song we had as the first dance at our wedding. Very cool.

We bought Cuff the Duke's new CD (Way Down Here). It's very good and has many hooks that I find myself singing, especially Follow Me.

Weekend fitness activities consisted of many walks with the dogs about 60 minutes on Saturday (2 walks) and a long almost 40 minute walk today with the dogs and the SO. Great weather, right around 0 C, and felt like spring. I am contemplating either a heavy workout or yoga later, but I may have overdone it a bit at dinner with the roast beef!

I think I hear a manuscript calling..."Edit me, edit me now...". I had better listen.

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